Manasquan Beach Improvement Association

MBIA Trustees 

MBIA Trustees Meeting Minutes
May 11, 2024

TRUSTEES PRESENT:  John Casey, Julie Cocozza, Lisa Haas, Carol Kirkman, Mary Lovely, Bennie O’Grady, John O’Grady, Mary Ryan, Cindy Weaver, Helen Young and Bob Young.

Borough Representatives: Mayor Mike Mangan & Sheila Vidreiro

Mary Ryan opened the meeting at 8:30 a.m.

The minutes of the 3/9/24 meeting were approved via the internet.


Old Business:
Greg Restivo, MPD Chief - Happy to work with MBIA. Greg is very receptive to working with us. He has a slightly different perspective in community policing than the previous chief.  

Al Sauer – Financials. Al previously distributed a copy of our bank statement. We have a little over $7k in the bank 
Bob Young - Volunteer Day. We had the most volunteers ever (49). We painted the white stripes down the Whiting, Pompano and Riddle ramps, the lifeguard storage lockers, 30 street markers, standpipes on N. Main, the barrier at Stockton Lake Blvd & N. Potter as well as some areas of the St. Denis rectory. We also rebuilt the end boards at the bocce court behind Borough Hall and mulched at the plot adjacent to the beach garage. Since Bob again got many of our supplies from Moran’s Paint Store without charge, Bob suggested we give Brian Moran a $150 gift card. A motion was made and carried unanimously. The Trustees thanked Bob for his hard work in organizing this annual event. It is an incredible effort especially now that the number of volunteers has ballooned. Bob thanked Al who was very helpful in working with Carmen Triggiano.  
Cindy - Work with Chris Tucker on flooding issues. There is a meeting set-up on May 17 at 10 a.m. Chris wanted to work with 5-6 people. Cindy and Mary selected the subgroup out of the 22 members who had expressed an interest in the endeavor. The group will have a pre-meeting to get ready with questions to the town officials. The question was raised if we should separate Chris' presentation from the other presenters at the Annual Meeting since there may be many questions on the flooding issue. It was decided not to do so.
Helen/Linda/Jane - Annual Party. Helen said we are zeroing in on August 24. We typically have the party in September but with the Mayor’s Ball and Recreation Party on the beach we decided to move the party to August. Helen will touch base with Ron Jacobson from the Life Saving Station as a courtesy to be sure there is no conflict before making a request to the town for use of the venue.
John Casey - MBIA in "Backyard Crawl" Facebook news. It is an advertising opportunity for us. John posted the picture of all the volunteers from Volunteer Day on the site. John will refresh the post as we get closer to next Saturday. There were a total of 1040 available slots for the Backyard Crawlers.  
Mary Lovely - Happy Hours at the Salty Whale. Since our last meeting, we had 38 people attend in March (7 new members), in April 39 people (3 new members) and in May we had 20 attendees (2 new members).
Julie Cocozza - COA Beach Sweep. Mary Lovely and Julie oversaw the effort. Most of the donuts and coffee went. We ran out of cups. The next beach sweep will be in October. 
Mary Ryan – Membership. 123 current members with the due date of June 1. Mary will send a letter to the Coast Star. Mike Mangan offered to include a small article in the next Borough mailing coming out late June or early July. Mary will supply the information for inclusion.

New Business:
MBIA Annual Meeting - June 15, 2024 at the First Aid Building. Linda, Janice and Helen will set-up refreshments. Bob and John will set-up chairs and tables. Julie will handle the front door. Bob asked that all Trustees be there by 8:45 for a group photo. Please wear MBIA Trustee shirts or a white shirt. We need to test the speaker system prior to the meeting. Helen will contact Al. We will sell shirts at the end of the Annual Meeting. Mike offered equipment to enable us to Zoom the meeting and get a link. Mary will send a letter to the Coast Star inviting the community to attend.
Annual Meeting Invitees - Greg Restivo, Chris Tucker, Mike Mangan, Bruce Bresnahan, Doug Anderson. Other town officials will be invited to attend in the audience if they wish.
Sea Watch progress. The parking lot and lockers will be open for Memorial Day. Green Acres needs to review in terms of the concession since there are some restrictions on what is allowed. The restaurant lease for this will be for 5 years starting 1/1/25, but it is hoped the concession will be open before the end of this year. The Borough is going through a professional services contract. This will not be awarded until late June. This is a public service endeavor vs. a money making contract. There are Green Acres restrictions, the seasonal downside and small size of 400 sq ft which might limit out of season use. Helen asked if we want to purchase 2 holiday wreaths for Sea Watch. The Trustees agreed. Helen will follow up as we get closer to the holidays.
July 4th Decorated Bicycle Parade. We contributed the money a few years ago and the Recreation Department still has the money since the parade has been cancelled the past few years. Therefore, we do not need to contribute this year. Bob will talk to Peter Goetz to ensure he is okay with the MBIA walking in the parade. If so, we will walk in our new blue MBIA shirts.  
Julie - Trustee Shirts. If any Trustees would like to order shirts, email her at with size. Previously ordered shirts were $20.  

Items from the floor:
Al – Glimmerglass Bridge. On April 2 Al spoke to Dennis Walsh of the Monmouth County Engineer's office who advised that the FHWA has accepted the County's proposal for the bridge. There was a meeting on March 15 with the State Historic Preservation Office (which is the agency with the biggest hurdle they need to overcome) in order to get an update on what the County needs to do next in order to have the public hearing which is necessary before an approval can be given. The County needs to update the previous Cultural Resources Report to make sure they are in compliance with any additional requirements which may have been added since that report was done. The company that did the initial report is currently revising it and he hopes to have the revision by June. He will then submit it to the State Historic Preservation Office. If this sounds like a lot of red tape, it is. Apparently, the County Engineer's office is being pushed by the County Commissioners who are now unanimous in wanting this to happen. The one Commissioner (formerly called Freeholder) who was opposed to building a new bridge is no longer the position so they are hopeful the project will now move faster. Al doesn’t think it can go any slower.
Al – generator behind sewer pumping house at the Ocean and 1st Avenues. Al and Councilman Brian Holly expressed our displeasure with the ugly generator When the Sea Watch site is finished we expect that the site will look really nice except for this generator. Both Brian and Al were separately advised that SMRSA has a right to put the generator there. It is Al’s understanding that SMRSA has a nearby storage area where they could put it and could easily bring it to this site in an emergency and thereafter remove it. Al recently did an OPRA request for a copy of the SMRSA contract to see if what we were being told was accurate. It turns out that the 36 by 44 area marked E-69 on which the pump house is located is the only land on which SMRSA was given the right to use any part of the ground surface. The area behind it marked E-70 is the area where the settling tanks were located and SMRSA only has the right to use the subsurface. Obviously they needed access to those tanks, but they have no right to use the surface. There is very little land behind the pump house and certainly insufficient area on which to install a generator. Al gave this information to Brian Holly who is going to see what he can do about the generator. We want the generator removed. If the County says they don't want to have the generator far away, then the Boro should let them store it in their shop yard across the street. Mayor Mangan agreed that this generator must be moved and the Borough is working on getting that done.
Big Sea Day - Julie will go tattoo shopping in anticipation of the August event.

Comments or questions from guests
Breakfast with the Candidates Since the 2 incumbent Council candidates are running unopposed we decided there was no need to hold the Breakfast unless there is a write-in candidate. We will readdress this at our next meeting if necessary.
Mayor’s Charity Ball – Friday, September 6 under a tent on the Sea Watch beach. The charity will benefit local families through Manasquan Cares. The presale will be until June 1. The price will be $175 per person and 250 tickets will be sold. There will be tables of 8. Sheila has a group of volunteers working on the event which sounds quite elegant.
Five Minute Clean-up. Lisa sent a picture of what Sea Girt is doing to clean up the beach. Cindy mentioned there was a comment on Overheard in Manasquan that they were looking to see the Eagle Scouts do this. If they do not, we will readdress at a future meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.

MBIA Annual Meeting - June 15, 2024 at 9 a.m.

The next Trustee’s Meeting will be on July 13 at 8:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber at Borough Hall.

MBIA Happy Hours at the Salty Whale (June 12 & July 10)

MBIA Bridge Committee Presentation to Manasquan Borough Council - 10/01/12
Council Presentation October 1, 2012

- Studies show bridge falling apart and MUST be replaced; Childs independent? study; Cycle 14 draft report.
- Originally built as a wooden trestle bridge (without a draw) over 100 years ago before cars; 16 feet wide, 585 feet long.
- Draw span (20 feet wide) built over 100 years ago for spanning Pt. Pleasant Canal (before cars).
- Draw span installed in wooden trestle in 1938; originally hand operated.
- Completely rebuilt in 1950; entire bridge raised 5 feet; shortened to 279 feet; motorized; more counterweights added.
- Numerous repairs and replacements to date; only original parts are two sheaves (wheels at to
- Placed on State and Federal Historic Registers in 2008.
- Historic significance is technology (rolling counterweight design) and aesthetics being preserved by County compromise.
- Bridge is in such bad condition, none of the structure can be salvaged; all piles, supports, bridge deck will be thrown away.
- Estimated life of a new wooden bridge is 35-50 years; estimated life of the proposed bridge is 75 years.
- County traffic count July 9-15, 2007: 6,480 average daily vehicles; 5,905 average weekday vehicles; 7,726 average weekend vehicles.
- MBIA traffic count May 26, 2012 8:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.: 4,138 vehicles; 688 bicycles; 21 skateboards; 372 pedestrians; traffic stopped 4:24 hours;     open 5:36 hours; 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., traffic stopped 3:30 hours; open 2:30 hours.
- Road is almost becoming impassable in summer due to opening/closing taking so long; long lines of cars.
- Safety is most important issue for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. Complete Streets.
- Current standards: two 12 foot width lanes; two 4 foot wide shoulders.
- Main access for residents living south of Brielle Road and for Brielle and Point Pleasant emergency response.
- The County has been working out a plan for the bridge since the early 1990 Asbury Park Press, 8-17-07.
- Project authorized 4-14-94 for $1,000,000.00; studies to date over $700,000.00.
- Wooden bridge would have CCA and AZCA (arsenic).
- Brielle Resolution 8-18-03 (#111-03) and Manasquan Resolution 9-8-03 (#03-70-A) call for complete replacement of bridge.
- Manasquan Resolution 5-19-08 (#69-08) to repair, rehabilitate or replace bridge ASAP; provide for pedestrians and bicycles; preserve character; 
- Issues of public safety should be treated as paramount to other considerations.
- No more delays; we must act NOW.

Please see the MBIA Bridge Committee Presentation to Manasquan Borough Counctil on below
Seated (left to right) : Julie Cocozza, Mary Ryan, Cindy Weaver, Lisa Haas.  Standing (left to right) Helen Young, Bennie O'Grady, Bob Young, John O'Grady, Linda Sims, John Casey, Al Sauer, Mary Lovely.  Not picured:  Janice Gaswind, Carol Kirkman, Pat Merz, Heather Schofield, Jane Swiggett, 

​Report on North Beach Ramp

Mary was previously given surveys by Tom Flarity of the properties on both sides of the North Beach Ramp. Upon review of them, they were not in agreement as to the location of the improvements along and on the 4 foot ramp. However, actual measurements between improvements on each side of the ramp indicated that the useable area was mostly 42 inches but in some places as narrow as 38 inches.

Consequently we were asked to set-up a meeting with Tom Flarity and to try to get the Borough to order its own survey to determine who was encroaching on the 4 foot width and by how much. Bob Young and I attended a meeting on September 7, 2018 with Tom Flarity, Councilman Jim Walsh, and Frank DeRomo from the Building Department.  

We were surprised to see that the Borough had done a survey of the ramp property in 2017. In addition to the 4 foot width of the Borough property for the ramp, in 1968 the Borough was granted an easement by the owner of the property on the north side of the ramp to build an 8 inch wide masonry wall on that owner’s property. Therefore, we had always assumed that the wall was properly located and that would meant that the owner on the south was the one that was encroaching into the easement. However, this survey showed that most of the wall was built within the 4 foot ramp area and not where it was supposed to have been built. Therefore, when the owner on the south fenced in his property, his fence was put mostly on his own property. The survey did show that the fence, at one point, encroaches at most .13 of a foot (which is about an inch and a half) into the ramp area. Consequently, there is no gripe as to the owner on the south. This was pointed out to the Borough in 2017 by the attorney for the owner on the north. The attorney also pointed out that it was the Borough’s obligation to maintain that wall but that the Borough had not done so since it has many cracks and deficiencies in it. The Borough advised that once they were aware of this and of what sort of cost the Borough would have to expend in order to remove and replace the wall in its proper location, they did not feel it was economically feasible for them to take any further action.

The Borough’s 2017 survey was too large for them to make a copy for us at the meeting. However, they did agree to send it out for copying and would send us a copy of it.

We did point out that the painted crosswalk at the corner of Stockton Lake Boulevard and First Avenue goes directly across the street at right angles to First Avenue and ends up misleading pedestrians that this is the place where the public ramp is located. In fact, the public ramp is several doors to the south. While MBIA has previously requested the Borough on several occasions to relocate the painted crosswalk, the Borough has never done anything about it. However, this time they agreed that they should either angle the crosswalk from the corner to the public ramp or move the crosswalk south so that it goes from the west side of First Avenue directly to the public ramp.

Alfred H. Sauer


MBIA Report - Potter's Beach Access (9/12/18)